Saturday, March 31, 2012

Zion National Park

You're literally get elevated if you
climb the mountains in the national

My favorite view of this trip

Zion Burger at Red Rock Grill inside
the Zion Lodge. Surprisingly delicious!

Very yummy chicken sandwich as well

A fool's fate

On Grotto Trail

Virgin River

On Kayenta Trail

On Lower Emerald Pools Trail

Where is my life heading?

Lookout at the end of the Canyon Overlook Trail

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Jaleo is a must-try if you visit Vegas

Pan Con Serrano

Jamon Croquettas


Escalivada Catalana

Paella Bogavante

Pastel Avellanas

How they cook Paella Bogavante

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Las Vegas 2

The thing I love most about
Cosmopolitan is these poles
at the lobby


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

粵語人大戰國語人 之 三個人


粵語人: 你沒有聽過孔叫獸嗎?
國語人: 沒有呀。他幹了甚麼?
粵語人: 他說我們三個人是狗呀!
國語人: 你們三個人?你們開罪他了麼?
粵語人: 我們都不認識他,怎樣開罪他呢?
國語人: 那他為什麼說你們三個人是狗呢??
粵語人: 我怎麼知道!因為他是一個瘋子喇。這件事新聞都有報導。
國語人: 嘩,新聞都有報導?我都不知道你們這麼出名...


國語人: 哎呀,你們"香港人"!

Monday, March 12, 2012


I hope you are doing fine in heaven, my little bird.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mojave National Preserve

Don't know what kind of
animal it is

My favorite picture from this trip

Was so exhausted when I reached
the summit of the Kelso Dunes

Don't know what kind of animal it is either

Kelso Depot Visitor Center

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

粵語人大戰國語人 之 倒油

Based on my friends' conversation :P

國語人: 你的朋友是幹舍的?
粵語人: 他是做倒油的。
國語人: 哦,他都在廚房工作嗎?
粵語人: 不是呀。
國語人: 難到在加油站工作??
粵語人: 有些時候是會經過啦。
國語人: 他倒甚麼油?
粵語人: 倒甚麼油??就是女油嘛!
國語人: 女油??真是奇怪的工作...


國語人: 哎呀,"導遊"!!