Monday, April 30, 2007
Crimson Room & Viridian Room - Toshimitsu Takagi
The purposes of them are to figure out how to escape from the room. There were created by Toshimitsu Takagi. Viridian Room is actually much more difficult to escape from compared to Crimson Room. (I already forgot how to escape from Viridian Room) Have fun :)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Backup Your Data with SyncBack
But do you know that your C: drive can fail at anytime and all your data will be gone?
Yeah there're companies like this one specializing in recovering data from failed hard drives, but the fees they charge can easily be enough for you to buy four or five 500GB hard drives. So, it's very important for you to back up your data regularly. (Honestly, how many of you guys are doing that?)
To back up your data, you will need two things:
- A secondary storage such as My Book
- A backup software

It has many features so I'm just going to go through how to start using it quickly. First of all, click on that "New" icon at the lower left corner to create a Profile:

To back up data, you should choose the "Backup" profile type. "Synchronization" is for synchronizing data between your PC and your laptop. It's useful if you need to carry a laptop and work on it when you travel around. Let's focus on the "Backup" profile type now. You will need to give it a name:

Call the profile "Backup" and click "OK". Then, you will see the Profile Setup screen:

Many options here? Don't worry, you don't need to change most of them unless you've some special backup plan. Simply enough, you need to specify the folder where the data come from (Source), which probably is some folder in your "My Documents" (or the whole "My Documents" if you wish), and the folder the data go to (Destination), which should be somewhere on your secondary storage drive. The choice "Backup the source directories files, including all its sub-directories" is good, but I found that you may want to make one little change by clicking on the "Advanced" tab:

On this screen, under "What to do if a file is in the destination but not in the source", change it from "Do nothing, skip the file" to "Delete file from destination". If you don't do that, your backup drive will be full of garbage as you move files around in your primary drive. (Since the original files are not deleted in your backup drive).
Alright, you're ready to backup your files! Just select the profile you want to run and click the "Run" icon in the main window and you're good to go.
One final thing you may want to do is to go to Preferences and check Skip Differences Window. If you don't do that, a Differences Window, which list all the differences between your primary drive and backup drive, will be shown and you've to click "OK" to start the real backup process. It's a hassle if you have huge amount of data in your source folder as you've to wait for clicking that "OK" button. Instead, you should go out with your buddies and have a cup of coffee while your computer is doing the job :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
When Grape is Ripe - Eason
My another favorite song by Eason. Ironically, I think that Eason sings better on stage than in recording studio most of the time. Part of the reason is that he feels more "naked" on stage. Do you think so?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Bill Gates VS Steve Jobs
Pretty fun to see Gates and Jobs fighting against each other. I don't know but I'm so used to Windows' user interface and wonder if I'll ever switch to Mac. Does the mouse of a Mac machine still have only one button? This one-button mouse just makes me feel so weird and it's one of the greatest reasons I don't use a Mac machine, although it doesn't really sound reasonable :P
Friday, April 20, 2007
Feeling Naked with Clothes On
I was at my friend's home last night for a little gathering. After the gathering, I asked her about the piano that I noticed when I entered her house. It was a Tokai upright piano with some dust on it, seemed that it wasn't play by people for a while. Encouraged by my friends, I played my two favorite songs (and the only two songs that I can still memorize) "Close to You" and "La La La Love Song", both of them from the Japanese drama Long Vacation.
As I've not played piano for a while, I didn't play that well and hit some wrong keys. One thing I noted about myself was that I was feeling afraid when I played the songs.
On my way home, I thought about why I was feeling afraid. No, I didn't feel afraid because my friends might tease my playing. I was afraid because I felt that I was naked with my clothes on.
After working in the commercial world for a while, I feel that many friends that I've know for a long time have changed. Actually, I do feel that I've changed in the same direction also, although I don't really know how my friends feel about me.
We all become more insecure to tell others our true feelings and personal affairs.
One old Chinese saying says "You shouldn't hurt other people but you also shouldn't assume that people won't hurt you". Sometimes you just wouldn't know how people will react to your feelings and how they may use the information they know about you. Yeah, it's pretty true. A close friend that I've known for years wouldn't tell me what his career was until he's been in the industry for like two or three years. Another friend would never let people know about what he likes or dislikes. When I invite my friends out for dinner, most people will say that "I'm busy" if they won't attend but seldom tell what they're busy at. And I'm not expected to ask "What're you busy at?" because if they don't tell in the first place, that means they wouldn't want to let people know about it.
Most of us are building an invisible shell to protect ourselves.
I realize that I cannot build such a shell around me when I'm playing piano, when I'm playing a song with all my feelings. I feel naked because every bit of my feelings is conveyed without any distortion. It's a moment when I've no way to lie, to pretend, or to build a shell around myself.
Music touches people's hearts not only because it is a medium without language barrier, but also because it tells us genuine stories. That's why I love music so much (^__^ )
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Remember your friends' birthdays with Google Calendar
Let's say your friend Peter's birthday is on the 20th of June. First, you go to the month of June and click on the 20th day

Then, click on edit event details and you'll be directed to the event details page. Enter "Peter's Birthday" in the What input box and select "Yearly" in the Repeats drop down menu

And you'll see the following screen

To make Google Calendar remind you, say, one day before your friends' birthdays through email, you should go to Settings -> Notifications, select "1 day" for and check the Event reminders checkbox under EMAIL

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Joke: Are you Gay?
It has be reported that an employee for Ansett Australia (Airlines), who happened to have the last name of Gay, got on a plane recently using the company's "Free Flight" offer for staff. However, when Mr. Gay tried to take his seat, he found it being occupied by a fare paying passenger.
So, not to make a fuss, he simply chose another seat. Unknown to Mr. Gay, another Ansett flight at the airport experienced mechanical problems. The passengers of this flight were being re-routed to various other airplanes. A few were put on Mr. Gay's flight and anyone who was holding a "free" ticket was being "bumped".
Ansett officials, armed with a list of these "freebee" ticket holders boarded the plane, as is the practice, remove them in favor of fare paying passengers. Of course, our Mr. Gay was not sitting in his assigned seat as you may remember. So when the Ticket Agent approached the seat where Mr. Gay was supposed to be sitting, she asked a startled customer
"Are you Gay?"
The man, shyly nodded that he was, at which point she demanded:
"Then you have to get off the plane."
Mr. Gay overhearing what the Agent had said, tried to clear up the situation:
"You've got the wrong man. I'm Gay!"
This caused an angry third passenger to yell
"Hell! I'm gay too! They can't kick us all off!"
Confusion reined as more and more passengers began yelling that Ansett had no right to remove gays from their flights.
It is reported that Ansett have refused to comment on the incident.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Katie! :)
And, most importantly, wish you a Happy Birthday Katie! (^___^ )
Friday, April 13, 2007
Get Things Done with GTDInbox
One of my favorite Firefox add-ons is GTDInbox. In case you don't know what "GTD" is, it stands for Getting Things Done, a methodology to increase productivity proposed by David Allen. GTDInbox is a Firefox add-on that implements the GTD methodology with Gmail.
Just to save your valuable time, you can continue your web surfing on other websites if
- You don't use Firefox or
- You don't use Gmail
If you do use Firefox and Gmail, please read on :)
What's so great about GTDInbox? it comes with some cool features that turn Gmail into a powerful To-Do list. Let me introduce to you some of the features I like in the following:
Enhanced Labels box
After installing the add-on, you will that the Label box on the left hand side looks differently now:
GTDInbox has grouped the labels into meaningful groups, including
- Contexts
- Statuses
- Projects
- References
GTD Popup Window
Besides, you can label an email right in your Inbox now:
Just place your cursor over the little "GTD" image on the far right of an email and you'll see the above popup window.Label groups in Message View
When you go into the message view by clicking one of the emails, you'll see groups of labels showing above below the email subject line:

GTD Action Drop Down box and Task Links
In the Inbox view, there're also some additional handy links for you to view your tasks and a "More GTD" drop down box for GTD specific actions:
Compose Action and Compose Reference Links
Below the "Compse Mail" link on the upper left corner, now there's a "Compse Action" link:
If you click on it, it will take you to the regular Compose Mail screen without the "To" input area at the top:
- "Compose Myself an Action" and
- "Compose Myself a Reference"
You can use these two links to quickly assign yourself a task or create a reference to something like a Word document.
There are two more features that I don't use as often, which are "GTD Search" and "Print Hipste PDA Cards". They are left to the readers to explore :)
By the way, their Lead Developer Andy Mitchell is doing a fundraiser to further improve GTDInbox to the next level. If you try GTDInbox and love it please skip your next cup of Starbucks coffee and donate a few bucks to them. Andy is a nice guy and I'm confident that he and his team members can make GTDInbox the coolest plugin to Gmail ever! Keep up with the nice job guys! :)
Monday, April 9, 2007
Shaolin Soccer - Sauce Explode
This scene from Shaolin Soccer is one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in Stephen Chow's movies. That Sauce Explode guy (or Exploding in the subtitle) was just classic. Note that they copied Michael Jackson's dance moves from Thriller :)
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Monkey Kick Off

Friday, April 6, 2007
Actually, one friend told me that I should write more about my daily life. Yeah, most of the blogs I've seen before are like that: people write about what happens to them everyday, much like a diary to me. You may not agree with me, but I think it's kind of boring. People usually are interested in the private lives of celebrities not because their lives are particularly interesting; a mountain climber's daily life probably is more fun. We buy magazines that reveals private lives of celebrities because they themselves are interesting to us. Will you be interested in who your neighbor (whom you only say "Hi" to and don't care much about) is dating this weekend? Probably not. Will you be interested in who Britney Spear's new boyfriend is? Well maybe not now, but it should be a "Hell yeah" a few years ago.
Do people find me as a person interesting? I don't really think so. How can an engineer be interesting anyways? :) (In a recent event named Three Strangers and a Wedding held by Mark and Brian, that poor engineer potential groom was obviously not attractive to any of the brides) So, writing about my daily life is most likely a good strategy to drive my readers away :P
What should I write about then? Since I started this weblog, I've been writing stuff similar to what I like to read. There're two types of stuff I won't be tired of reading everyday:
- Something that makes me laugh/happy
- Something that enlightens me
For example, most people would agree that rewarding employees with certain incentive will increase their productivity. However, Joel did not agree about that. Although I didn't not completely agree with what he said, he made me think of this traditional incentive/bonus management methodology in a completely new perspective. To my mind, a new way of thinking like this one is more valuable than functional knowledge (such as learning how to do oil change for a car or how to set up a server) as it opens up a new horizon of viewpoints for me to explore.
One of my old posts "Do you really see the reality?" was written with that purpose. I don't necessarily want people to agree with my opinions. Actually, I'd feel happier if people don't agree with me and tell me about it since it can very well be another enlightenment to me. That's why I always welcome people leaving comments on my weblog.
A scene in the TVB drama "To Get Unstuck In Time" kind of impressed me. Roger Kwok was walking Flora Chan (who was in a wheelchair) on a pavement along a seashore. The sun was setting and Roger exclaimed in awe how beautiful it was. Some auto sprinklers were sprinkling the plants along the sides of the pavement. Suddenly, Flora told Roger to kneel a little and look at the sunset through the mist. What appeared in front of Roger were several rainbows reinforcing the grandeur of the setting sun, which was a marvelous picture.
"People who cannot walk like me may have lost many opportunities in life, " Flora told Roger. "but these beautiful rainbows could only been seen by people riding in wheelchairs since normal people see the world at a different height."
This is a perfect analogy of what I regard as enlightenment: seeing something in a brand new direction, which may not be discovered until someone points the way to it.
I don't and am not qualified to have the greedy hope of being the source of enlightenment (this is the job of saints like Gandhi). However, I'd be so glad if my posts can make you think differently once in a while in this busy world :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Blogging Softly
I also thought about writing technical stuff like a how-to on integrating Apache with Zope. It'll benefit both other developers and me since other developers may have the same problem and I can refer to the how-tos when I forget about the details.
However, that probably would be too technical for most of my current readers? I probably should just write software reviews for a while and see how it goes :)
Find out answers with 1-Click Answers

If you're like me, who look up stuff on everyday, you should install 1-Click Answers. After installing it, you can Alt-Click (holding one of the Alt keys and press the left button of your mouse) on any word in most Windows application and a little window will pop up and show you the meaning of the word:

When you press enter, a new browser tab/window will be displayed and show you the word's webpage. This is quite a bit faster than opening up a web browser, go to the homepage and and type in the word there.
Oh one interesting thing about You may be able to guess that it's a public company and yup you're right, its stock is traded on NASDAQ. But they only have 53 employees! (I don't know much about business and stock but I didn't know that company of that size can go public) And they're not doing well financially these two years... (If you're interested you can see their profile on Google Finance) Hope that they'll do fine soon and continue to provide excellent software and services!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Flying Smiling Face
It was that little white circle in the picture. The smiley looks something like this (I now realize that it's so difficult to draw even a simple smiling face with a mouse):

I remember I bought a pair Umininn dolls years ago. Not sure how they are doing now?